October is the month in which I attempt to make up for my three-year food blogging hiatus. I'm still eating! I just haven't been blogging about it.
But it's that time of year again. Yes, it's Good Food Month!
Or as the Sydney Morning Herald now likes to call it, the Crave Sydney Food Festival. (And SMH, if you're reading this, the website is seriously sucky -- from the horribly unintuitive URLs to the labour-intensive navigation. Javascript -- Just say no. But I digress.)
This year I'm aiming to knock off at least six Sugar Hits. My record was four in 2007, but that was before the whole thing became a bit of a sport and reservations became the norm.
But this month I'm resolved to beat my previous effort. If I can squeeze in a brunch and a lunch somewhere in there ... and still manage to lose two kilos (long story) ... I'll consider the month a roaring success in the food department.
Watch this space.
RECAP: The Bachelors Australia – S10 E01
Well, my friends, it’s been a minute since last we were here, diving into
5 months ago
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